bilety autokarowe Polska - NIEMCY
bilety autokarowe NIEMCY - Polska
bilety autokarowe Polska - ANGLIA
bilety autokarowe ANGLIA - Polska
Sprzedaż biletów on-line
Jesteś tutaj: Strona główna » Tickets » discounts
- Children under the age of 12 - 50%
- Youth under the age of 26 - 10%
- People over the age of 60 - 10%
- Groups having more than 10 people - 10%
- Promotions
When purchasing the ticket and while travelling, the passenger should have the ID enabling him to obtain a discount.
Departures from the above mentioned discounts are to be found in a bus schedule for a given line in the part called discounts.
Any complaints concerning the discounts or preferences should be sorted out before the journey in the travel agent's office which has sold the ticket. After finishing the journey no excess payment, due to inappropriate discount, will be returned.